
Showing posts from April, 2017

Sticks and stones...

The name-calling continues. Mrs May has now called me an extremist. I'm losing track of what I've been called by Brexit-supporters since June. First it was liberal-elite. Then citizen of nowhere. Traitor. Enemy of the people. Loser. Remoaner. Snowflake. Libtard. Saboteur. Have I missed any? Let this sink in. Our Prime Minister who should bring dignity and integrity to the highest office in the land has spent 9 months calling half of her electorate names. She is deluded, arrogant or ill. Probably all three. Not remotely fit for office. Mrs May says I'm an extremist

Saboteur? Moi?

So. Apparently I'm a saboteur now. Quite extraordinary. And yes, if that's how you want to frame it Mrs May, yes I am. Do you know what else? I never have been one before. I've been through my share of elections and referendums and usually found myself out-voted - I think I've picked the winning side once. And I've never resisted an outcome before. Funnily enough, I DO understand how democracy works. And you know what? This is not it. Democracy is destroyed if voting is based on lies. If we can't be sure that manifestos and election promises will turn into real policy, or that facts trotted out on the campaign trail are not actually just made-up nonsense, then what, pray, is the purpose of this business of voting? It's awfully expensive to run an election. It's a huge waste of time. And as we've seen, it is potentially horribly divisive. So, might I suggest that if you don't want to base political decisions on truth, consistency and p...

Mrs May the game-player

Why aren't people pressing Mrs May on the timing of this election? If she wanted to call a GE, wasn't it irresponsible to trigger article 50 first? We're on such a tight timeline as it is, why on earth would we then down tools for 2 months and concentrate on something else? And if there is any change to our government structure this will mean more uncertainty while jobs are allocated and briefs understood. This action seems breathtakingly irresponsible. For the second time in less than a year, a Tory PM is calling a national vote and playing with the future of our country just to sort out their own party issues. And she has the temerity to accuse others of treating politics like a game.

What happened to the Conservatives?

In the past I've tried to be party-neutral. I still don't belong to a party and swear no lifelong allegiance to any. But I will be clear about this. Theresa May's government has done great harm to our beautiful country and threatens to go further. If you love our country, or just want to see good old fashioned decency again,we simply must vote the Tories out. Why? Because austerity is a choice. Our government has CHOSEN to take funding away from the people who need it. From job seekers. From the disabled and long term sick. From our schools. From nurses and doctors and the whole infrastructure of the NHS. From social services. From mental health support. From our schools. They have failed to address the housing crisis. All they have is soundbites and slogans but in the end nobody got food on their table by just saying Britain is great. They lie and lie and lie. Remember Mrs May covering up the Trident misfiring? Or denying she had cut a special deal with Surrey ...