What happened to the Conservatives?

In the past I've tried to be party-neutral. I still don't belong to a party and swear no lifelong allegiance to any.
But I will be clear about this. Theresa May's government has done great harm to our beautiful country and threatens to go further. If you love our country, or just want to see good old fashioned decency again,we simply must vote the Tories out.
Why? Because austerity is a choice. Our government has CHOSEN to take funding away from the people who need it. From job seekers. From the disabled and long term sick. From our schools. From nurses and doctors and the whole infrastructure of the NHS. From social services. From mental health support. From our schools. They have failed to address the housing crisis. All they have is soundbites and slogans but in the end nobody got food on their table by just saying Britain is great.
They lie and lie and lie. Remember Mrs May covering up the Trident misfiring? Or denying she had cut a special deal with Surrey council? What about the lies of Boris? Or Fox? What about the still-unresolved business of the last GE? So many Tory MPs have been referred to the Crown Prosecution Service for electoral fraud.
They are keen to ally us with dangerous men such as Trump and Erdoğan and to pursue arms deals with the likes of Saudi Arabia despite mounting evidence of war crimes. Trump is getting seriously close to starting WW3 - do we really want to be his buddy in that?
Our serious international stature is diminished to nothing. Look how Boris was snubbed by the G7 over Russia.
They have wrenched the cause of Green issues backwards and refuse to take climate change seriously. What will anything be worth once the planet is broken?
And every single thing that has been trumpeted about Brexit was a lie. They are pulling us from our biggest market. The jobs are already leaving the country in droves. We will not change immigration because we can't. We will not really change our sovereignty because we never lost it. The small bit we shared with others, over eg international terrorism, we will continue to share.
Lifelong Tory voters are becoming concerned. This is not the party of the greats like Michael Heseltine or Ken Clarke. It's not the party of the quietly English like John Major. It's not even the party of Margaret Thatcher who did more than anyone to create the single market. The party has been 'stolen' by extremists and now represents something thoroughly distasteful and unBritish.


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