Saboteur? Moi?
So. Apparently I'm a saboteur now. Quite
extraordinary. And yes, if that's how you want to frame it Mrs May,
yes I am.
Do you know what else? I never have been one
before. I've been through my share of elections and referendums and
usually found myself out-voted - I think I've picked the winning side
once. And I've never resisted an outcome before. Funnily enough, I DO
understand how democracy works. And you know what? This is not it.
Democracy is destroyed if voting is based on lies.
If we can't be sure that manifestos and election promises will turn
into real policy, or that facts trotted out on the campaign trail are
not actually just made-up nonsense, then what, pray, is the purpose
of this business of voting?
It's awfully expensive to run an election. It's a
huge waste of time. And as we've seen, it is potentially horribly
divisive. So, might I suggest that if you don't want to base
political decisions on truth, consistency and promises honoured, that
we do away with the ballot box altogether and you just flip a coin in
Westminster to decide who wins?
And while we're on the subject of cost, I looked
it up. To avoid left-wing bias, I checked The Sun, which tells me
this totally unecessary election is expected to cost £113 million. I
guess that's a drop in the ocean next to the £60 billion that the
Brexit divorce might cost. But these are all eye-watering sums. If we
have this sort of money lying around down the back of the sofa in the
Cabinet Office, why are we continuing this austerity nonsense? I
thought the country was too poor to pay nurses and doctors and
teachers and police and other public sector workers a decent wage? I
thought we couldn't afford books and basic equipment for schools? I
thought we had to put up with potholes in the roads because we're
Nothing adds up, Mrs May. Nothing. And in the
famous but unattributed quote, "when injustice becomes law,
rebellion becomes duty".
If you'd let me give up the saboteur thing I'd be
awfully grateful. I'm way too busy for this rubbish. But you're
really not giving me much wiggle room.
ps you do know that "crush the saboteurs"
is a Lenin thing don't you? What a lovely aspiration.

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