Who will do the jobs now then?

So now Mrs May has "promised" to overhaul our immigration system and thereby to ensure that low-skilled workers are denied entry to the UK.

For the quadrillionth time in two years, I'm baffled. My ongoing resistance isn't some ideological stance, (though of course my starting point in any controversy is to assume that cooperation and friendship with neighbours is advisable). But I just don't understand how this latest news from May is a desirable goal.

Who is going to do the low skilled jobs? Who is going to pick our fruit and veg? Who is going to staff our care homes? These jobs are already short-staffed and as the employers will tell you, Brits don't want to do these jobs.

In the long term, doesn't this tend to a situation where Brits get all the low skilled, hence low paid, jobs while immigrants get the better positions? Doesn't this in fact condemn the British work force to remain on the lower rungs of employability? And if you think it doesn't, I refer you to the previous paragraph. Loop ad nauseam. Or ad national collapse.

And to be blunt, which high-skilled and well educated migrant is going to want to come? Sure, there'll always be a few. But in general, we've spent two years running a massive global campaign based on racism, entitlement, nationalism and irrational, snooty nostalgia for an imperial past that tells us we were once "superior" in the world and can be again. The message is clear: even if you legally settle here and pay taxes for decades; even if you marry and have British children; even if you serve in our hospitals or schools or charities; even if you accept our invitation now and come to think of this as your home, we might change our minds at some later date and without warning, unilaterally strip you of your rights or even kick you out.  If you're unlucky enough to be brown or black, like the Windrush generation, we'll deport you illegally, having conveniently destroyed your paperwork that proved your right to stay.

I can't think why we won't be inundated with educated applicants who might just have followed these developments from abroad.

What is happening in this country is nothing short of disgraceful. And this isn't the concern only of the "educated elite". It's every poor sod below the rung of millionaire who should be bellowing with rage at the con of the referndum and what it is set to deliver.


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