The Incomprehenders: We just want to understand

I keep wondering: is it me? Is Brexit actually a great idea? Or if not actually great, maybe it's not as awful as all that and the politicians will eventually come up with something that works.

I can't tell you how much I want that to be true. It's my point of overlap with the still-convinced Leavers. If it's true, I can step down from obsessive news-reading and sharing. I can stop worrying. I can take a break from social media. I can stop writing lengthy posts about it and blog about something else. I need no longer go to marches. I can get a decent night's sleep.

And then I realise this is probably true for most active Remainers. We have been called a whole bunch of names from Remoaner to Snowflake to Libtard to Traitor. But actually the fairest name which might be more informative is "Incomprehenders". Not so catchy I guess. But that's all we are - people who have not yet understood how any of this is a good idea. We have no agenda beyond understanding. Think of us like the kids in class who haven't yet mastered long division.

And that cheers me up.

They tell us to get behind Brexit. Move on. Get over it. And annoying as those cliched calls have become, in a bout of clarity they suddenly seems incredibly simple to address. To make this all go away and for the benefit of those of us struggling to keep up, all May, Davis, Johnson, Rees Mogg et al have to do is answer our questions. If we say we don't understand how the Irish border problem can be solved they just need to explain it to us. If we're worried about 20 mile lorry parks at Dover, they just need to tell us why that won't happen. If we fear our loved ones living in the UK but born in the EU will become second class citizens, they just need to set out what they are doing to ensure that is not the case. If we see jobs being lost and industries decimated they simply need to show us the business plan for stemming the tide of loss and instead creating new opportunities. If we can't get our heads round the idea that good international trade deals are easy to negotiate, they need to parade one or two players who have already got the draft deal outlined. If we express anxiety that cancer treatment will be threatened they just need to point out the the easy solution that makes our concern unneccesary. If we fear being dropped from Galileo or European security arrangements they just need to explain why this doesn't matter and what alternative arrangments have been made. If from where we are standing the NHS looks in danger of collapse for want of staff they just need to show us the recruitment campaigns and money being made available to train, hire and retain more staff at home and outside the EU. If waving goodbye to the European Convention of Human Rights makes us nervous they just need to show us alternative legislation that enshrines our rights nonetheless. If we fear that aligning ourselves with the racist, misogynist and foul POTUS will put us out on a global limb and damage our own reputation they need to explain how this is actually the way to rein him in. If we are anxious about continuing outbreaks of hate crime and the rise of the far right, they need to start issuing some very clear condemnations and announce a policy to put racism and bigotry back in the tin. If we are baffled as to how handing unfettered power to the Government is a demonstration of how Parliament, never mind “The People”, is taking back control and we are rather scared as to possible abuse of said unfettered power in the future, they just need to stand up in Parliament and introduce legislation that makes it feel safe again.

There. It really is incredibly simple Leavers. We, The Incomprehenders will all go away, just like that, if you simply answer some questions. Over to you.


  1. Brilliant and incisive as always, thank you. And I'm sure sums up how most of us Remainers are feeling at the moment.


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