Manchester bomb
Fear isn't just around the corner. It's always
there on the periphery of our vision. Maybe life's meaning is found
in overcoming fear. In the beginning God saw everything and it was
good. But at the first opportunity, Adam and Eve were disobedient and
immediately were afraid and hid themselves. I don't read this as
literal history but as myth to explain the human situation.
Throughout the Bible, again and again, we hear the words "do not
be afraid".
Fear is what keeps us in unsatisfactory jobs or
unhealthy relationships. It stops us exploring the world or
experiencing unfamiliar situations. It holds us back from emotional
commitment. It makes us hoard today against fear of tomorrow, and in
so doing we deny "enough" to another's now. It isolates us
in retreat behind fences and locks. It holds us at a distance from
our neighbours.
For some the fears are real. Real terror of
violence, hunger, pain and loss. For some of us, it is an illusion.
But either way, lives led in fear are unhealthy and stunted.
Anyone who uses fear to coerce another, adds to
the mountain of pain. They act out their own fears and in so doing
widen the net of misery and constraint. How many lives today have
been diminished irreversibly by the loss or injury of a loved one?
For now I am numb and can't process the information properly.
We weep for Manchester. For the young lives
unforgivably stolen. For families ripped apart. For friends shocked
and bereft. For witnesses who will be shaped for all time by trauma
and survivor's guilt. We weep. What else can we do today?
Maybe tomorrow the fury.
But never give in to the fear. The fear is what
will stifle us all.
I don't know yet what the alleged purpose or
agenda was. But when it emerges it will make no difference. What
remains is this: innocents were used as expendable currency for
someone else's aims. More lives were stolen than the children who
died. Their families will never recover. But we must not hand over
our entire society as hostage to the fear this barbarism generates.
In deep love and inseparable communion with all
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