Climate Change

I wonder when our governing politicians are going to start taking climate change seriously. Or when we, "the people", are going to wake up to the scale of the crisis and insist the politicians respond. Yes we have the Green Party who speak quiet sense every day. But with only one MP they must feel they are banging their heads against a concrete jungle.
At the moment we are wasting time and energy and money, hand over fist, on some absurd fantasy of sovereignty in the form of Brexit, all the while failing to notice that it doesn't matter. Nothing matters one jot if the whole planet is drowned.
Other progressive parties are finally beginning to get it. But the Conservative Government?
Mrs May scrapped the Department for Climate Change last July. One of her first acts as Prime Minister.
We can't afford the Tories to hold power any longer. They want to argue about who's in charge of the laundry cupboard while the Titanic sinks.


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